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The Unintended Consequences of Missed Maintenance: a True Story.

Travelling out of town, our customer’s recently-purchased car overheated. The local country garage diagnosed a blown head gasket.

They had the car towed all 180 kilometres to us at Jackmans. We tested and found the gasket to be OK – lucky!

However, we also found that the top of the radiator was hot and the bottom was cold. A little more detective work revealed it to be blocked with a rusty, muddy mixture. We flushed the foul muck from engine and heater, cleaned and refitted the radiator and… no improvement!

Still hot at the top and cold at the bottom. That can only mean one thing: no water flow. We removed water pump and behold, no blades! They had been completely worn away by spinning in the abrasive “mud”.

Is there a point to this story? Actually, there are two.

First: servicing had been completely ignored. They thought they were saving money!

And second, the new owner failed to get a pre-purchase check.

Don’t let this happen to you. Get in touch with Jackmans via the links below and ask for an inspection. Your expectations will be met, and you’ll have no surprises.

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